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  • Writer's pictureAnnika Alcon

Scent Log

1. Chlorine

- chemical

- Pool

- This smell makes me feel like it sucks the moisture from my skin, so I feel kind of gross

2. Fish

- Pungent, strong odor

- Beach

- This smell makes me feel disgusted because the smell of fish is strong and reminds me of fish markets which I do not like

3. Orange Juice

- Fruity, sour

- Breakfast at Hilton

- This smell makes me feel happy because orange juice is my absolute favorite drink ever. 4. Coconut

- Sweet, warm

- Hotel Shampoo

This smell reminds me of my mom because she likes to help me with my hair and she always tells me to put coconut oil in my hair

5. Pizza

- Warm, savory, good

- Hotel restaurant

- This smell makes me feel hungry and happy

6. Makeup

- Unique

- Nordstrom

This smell makes me feel a little annoyed because I don't like to put on make up that much.

7. Candy

- Sweet

- Prom candy bar

- This smell makes me feel happy and reminds me of the movie charlie and the chocolate factory

8. Cheese

- Warm


- This smell reminds me of my childhood whenever I wanted Mac and Cheese

9. Milk

- Gross


- This smell reminds me of a cow, but also makes me feel disgusted because I don't like milk

10. Spinach Artichoke Dip

- Warm, savory


- This smell reminds me of the feeling of trying new things because I was picky when I was little, but eating this food broke me out of that.

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