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  • Writer's pictureAnnika Alcon

Kokoro Noir

"The next day, I followed Sensei into the sea, and swam after him. When we had gone more than a couple of hundred yards out, Sensei turned and spoke to me." (Soseki 6)

"I am a lonely man,"Sensei said, "And so I am glad that you come to see me. But I am also a melancholy man, and so I asked you why you should wish to visit me so often." (Soseki 14)

"There was not even a trace of a smile on Sensei's face. He began deliberately to walk away from the couple. He then said to me: "Have you ever been in love?" I said no." (Soseki 25)

"I think I'll stay until things are more certain," I said to my mother" (Soseki 100)

"In short, Sensei is still remained for me a figure half-hidden in the shadows." (Soseki 99)

"I felt very strongly the sinfulness of man. It was this feeling that sent me to K's grave every month, that made me take care of my mother-in-law in her illness and behave gently towards my wife." (Soseki 242)

"By the time this letter reaches you, I shall probably have left this world--I shall in all likelihood be dead." (Soseki 122)

"for the first time in my life I was able to see woman as the personification of beauty in this world. My eyes which had been blind to the opposite sex, were suddenly opened." (Soseki 139)

"Then I would think of death. Killing myself seemed a just punishment." (Soseki 243)

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