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  • Writer's pictureAnnika Alcon

Melancholy: The "Happiness of being Sad"

#1: Sketchnote

#2: Mutterseelinallein (German)

I chose this word which means deep loneliness, because in the past, I had experienced this feeling of immense loneliness because I was dealing with self belief issues and also friend issues. Until I had a very long and important talk with my parents, I then realized that I had a lot to be grateful for and I started to become more myself and more happy.

#3: “Melancholy is sadness that has taken on lightness.” Italo Calvino

#4: Ay, in the very temple of Delight

       Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine

This is my favorite line in the poem because it really spoke to me that even melancholy is found in happiness, people just have to overwhelm themselves with joy.

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